“Outdoors blogs well worth reading”…hmmm

Apologies for the length of time since my last post…I was actually wondering whether it was worth carrying on with the blog as I do sometimes wonder if folk are actually interested in reading my ramblings!

Anyway it would seem I will have to keep posting as I have just seen that the new edition of the MCoS “Scottish Mountaineer” magazine have an article on “Hill walking on the web” and for some obscure reason think that this blog is “an outdoors blog well worth reading”. Now I’m not really sure about that but I guess someone must be reading it!

Last weekend we ventured south to Langdale in the Lake District for an outdoorsmagic meet. The weather wasn’t great and things weren’t helped by yours truly being sick on Friday night. not much walking and no photos unfortunately. Still had a good time meeting up with old and new friends. At least we went last weekend – if it had been this weekend we probably wouldn’t even have got there!

Next weekend we are heading north to Corran Bunkhouse with scottishhills.com. Hopefully the weather will pick up and there might even be a dusting of the white stuff on the tops. And photos!

9 Responses to ““Outdoors blogs well worth reading”…hmmm”

  1. How obscure!!!! πŸ˜‰

  2. Fame at last πŸ˜‰

  3. Metric Kate Says:

    Well, there’s no accounting for taste πŸ˜‰

  4. It’s good to know that I wasn’t the only “certifiable” out on the fells last weekend, AT. There was some impressive weather about, no? Anyways, I hope you’re feeling better now.

    Oh, and a quick “hiya” to MK, TBW and The Lord of the Pink Therm-a-Rests πŸ™‚

    So, time to dish the dirt and let us know who you’ve been cavorting with – who else is on that MCoS hitlist? “Proper” walkers, no doubt!

  5. ayrshiretiger Says:

    LOL you lot!

    I honestly don’t know how the MCoS decided on the list although I suspect it’s only Scottish based blogs – others include ptc, Chris Townsenf, Cameron McNeish, Aktoman, fatdogwalks (from scottishhills.com).

  6. Well, it looks like you’re in good company…

    unless it’s pure coincidence that you all bribed the same bloke πŸ˜‰

  7. I didn’t know you had started a blog until I stumbled across it from elsewhere, Steve! I’ll add you to my ‘worth a look’ list. Hi to Elaina, btw!

  8. ayrshiretiger Says:

    Hi Steve

    Aye, started it a while back and as you will have seen it’s a bit intermittent in frequency! Elaina also has one at http://bletheringblonde.blogspot.com/

    We’ll need to catch up sometime.


  9. Hey, I’ll add Elaina too. She’s always worth a look! ;-D

    I’ll look forward to catching up with you both.

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